To all with homes...I am selling a front door


You should also post this in off-topic and maybe even gen-auto.

People don’t even look in the gen-auto forum. This is a home repair and off-topic website

Just trying to get it out there boys


gonna make me look… you suck!

yea sorry, should have just posted it
$600 is new price

im just gonna post the pic of the door tonight

that door looks like a vagina.

I lost.

Here is the door

Detail of the glass

---------- Post added at 07:06 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:04 PM ----------

Would you rather look at a :skunk:???

New Price $550. Gotta move this

Do you have any pics of what it looks like when it’s open?


Damn it, ascii art fail. Picture an empty rectangle.

Cant tell if your serious since it would just be…an open door.
If you are, no I dont since it was never installed

Trade for a home gym?

Throw in a padio umbrella and u got urself an deal.

Nailed it

No turtles? How about a garden gnome?

Sorry, need the cash for the next door

---------- Post added at 02:24 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:24 PM ----------

Sold that a while ago…sorry bra

---------- Post added at 02:25 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:24 PM ----------

My neighbor has a gnome…let me talk to him :wink:


Is this just a door slab?