To my closest friends....i bid farewell. (UPDATED Post #142)

hot ring!!! Congrats dude!

when does the t-rex go bye bye?

way to go dude

:tup: Congrats!!

and Josh already said that he wont be selling any of his toys.

A fun little story to add… I had placed the order/design for this ring back in March and REALLY wanted to propose on May 13th, since that was the exact day we starting “going out” 14 years ago.

Well I received the ring yesterday via FedEx overnight at 9am. I had the loose diamond in my hand and most jewlers gave me a 2-3day turn around time. It was going to be nearly impossible to have the stone mounted and ready in time to give it to her yesterday…

I used the T-Rex as leverage and promised the Jewler i would give him a ride if i could have it ready by 1pm (3hr turn around time). I picked him up at 1pm, ring was ready, and gave him a quick ride in the T-Rex. Worked out perfectly :lolsign:

haha, that was supposed to be my last “hoo-ra”. We’ll. see.

congrats josh :tup:

congrats sir!

lol… im just thinking about the homo-ness that took place yesterday when i left ur house…

hahah…seems that she can handle it pretty well…and is ok with it

she will always be a :tup: in my book now. :stuck_out_tongue:

This story has it all, women, money, aerobatic stunters, man love, and three-wheeled cars :tup: :smiley:


Thats my bday! and the saturn club is creepy as fuck. I was in a wedding there…creeptastic. Congrats

congrats Josh !

congrats, and good luck with keeping it a small wedding :stuck_out_tongue:

Congrats Josh!

I wish you two all the best.

Congrats, glad you didn’t lose the stone!! Bachealor party is gonna be OTH…with man secks…


Good for you, more pics of the girl

awesome, congrats

In for future negative G sex tapes


I still can haz tent sex?

a little over 2.5C’s

a privelage that will never be revoked.

Awesome proposal. :tup: Congratulations man.