To the cars doing "laps" on broadway in west seneca....

they go to east high school.
and 2g eclipse wouldnt be silver with black bumpers would it?

just call the police (not 911) and explain the situation /thread

it’s Bill Fuhrmann fyi. he lives on pearl. owns the red srt4. and the police interceptor.

two different bills were talking about. bill f. don’t have the mustang anymore.

bill a. Whom lives on french likes to race dovn every street he can.

this kid is a faggot

Dude you are in a perfect position to do the invisible rope prank to them LOLLL

That fag in the fox has tried to race my Saturn down Broadway at least twice that i remember. Kid drives like a retard. Wish his car would blow up already and take him with it before he hurts/kills someone.

Put me in coach z.

Thats the pot calling the kettle black.

for everyones information the kid with the fox is the same kid that jumped 540guy with the wrench.

bigger kid right?

fat yes