To the guy in the early style Red Dodge Viper

Dear Mr. Viper Driver,

     This letter is to inform you that 99.9% of the general driving public does not care about you or your car.  Around 5pm today, I witnessed you almost lose control of your car "trying" to drift and then drive back around the block and take off doing an est. 100 mph in a 35mph zone.  You are not showing off, you are acting like a fucktard and your car is very stock and very slow, aside from that GT style wing you proudly display on your rear decklid.  I am sure that the wing greatly compensates for your lack of package between your legs.  You need to go drive on a deserted island in a circle, since you only like to drive around the block anyway and hopefully hone your driving skills or crash and die, either would greatly satisfy me, preferably the latter.  

Thank you,

John Q. Driver


kinda like this guy i seen today driving a convertable jaguar who thought he was the shit :tdown: i’ll be keeping an eye out for him this summer…


Crazy viper owners what will they do next

I want to hear from the sane viper guys who post here. :popcorn:

whered u see him? I seen a red viper cruising southtowns a couple times last week.

On Losson/Transit/Borden

Which makes it especially uncool because of all the kids out playing and traffic.

Ah Mr. Fuel System that is highly admired at Ferry Hydraulic on Walden Ave.

i love those idiots, this year im going to hound the west seneca cops to put a patrol car on my street like once a week

its not even a fucking 2 lane road and theres a BUNCH of mustangs, camaros and ricers that think they can do 75 thru here. the one day i walked across the street to getthe mail and as i went to cross back a mustang was turning the corner. h gunned it and i had to run to avoid him

if anyone gets a ticket on my street … tell me so i can laugh

You better watch out. Remember my “yellow viper with huge wing is ugly and drives poorly” thread on UBRF? And the Viper people came out of the woodwork to tell me it is not just any ugly wing, it happens to be the wing that adorned Miss Haversham’s Austin-Healey in the Paris-Madrid race.

If you will remember, Mr. Renault lost the race because he didn’t have an ugly wing. Or fancy the youth of a certain working class boy that wanted to stick it to his grand daughter.

I dont care what the car looks like…the guy was driving like a fucktard and no viper owner or anyone else has a legitimate excuse for it. So please do come out of the wood work and tell me how I am wrong, the wing may be functional but looked out of place on the otherwise stockness. And a wing like that, that is deemed functional better find its way onto the rear decklid of someone that knows how, when and where to drive a car utilizing the downforce of said wing.

^ word. No need to practice drifting when you’re in traffic.

You wanna see a bunch of asshat drivers? Go to Taffy’s on a weekend afternoon, and sit on the brick’s and watch that intersection.

It’s a fucking BLAST. You’ll see so many toolboxes doing stupid shit.

:tdown: to asshats…

i saw forementioned red vipre <----its French…tooling around…kept goosingt he throttle until i blocked him in form weaving in and out of traffice with another car

im usually impressed :stuck_out_tongue: