To the UB Student with the RX8

off topic doesnt count toward your post count

double post


with an RX-8, thats a given. :slight_smile:


Its more likely that the rx-8 belongs to a chick. I have seen more broads driving them than dudes. Except for wolverine in x-men



bluetwo has a post count of 2 even though he has posted 3 times in this very thread.

oh my head…


I noticed that as well. Also, there is no way you can pick up a girl in a rx-8. I feel I am turning more and more into a girl every day since owning it. Anyone want to go get their nails done?


I noticed that as well. Also, there is no way you can pick up a girl in a rx-8. I feel I am turning more and more into a girl every day since owning it. Anyone want to go get their nails done?


Go with your gay roomate.


whose up for failing an engine vacuum test???!!!

:rofl: let him be, hes a ricer and will more than likely end up killing himself.