To the:

Lackawanna trash.


he got off at the XXX exit and I told the local dispatcher to have a patrol car pull him over and write him a bunch of tickets for illegal tints/loud exhaust Ect.
She said they’ll do what they can :wink:

Just needs some facial hair LOL

hahaha pwned

we’re going to be falling asleep at the wheel tomorrow,lol be at walmart by 8am!

technically your littering the road, and thats a fine, and throwing at someone’s car can get your an assault charge also.

Everyone does that. I doubt the kid driving the car is a member here. He would be LOLed right off the site. Kinda like me, but I stayed

lol I’ll see ya there. I’m going to JDMjunkies house in an hour.

just saying, and like i know. :slight_smile:

I cannot wait until Walter or 66 impala reads this, because they will still find a reason to put blame on me. :slight_smile:


that was her was of appeasing you while, in reality, this guy will not get any tickets for one of two reasons:
a) they won’t catch him before he gets home
b) they won’t write tickets because you told them too.
i would be willing to bet that she was rolling her eyes as she told you that they “will do what they can.”

you mean like bpipe95 already did? you are responsible for safely merging into traffic, nobody has to let you in.

i wanna know where this kid drives around because i love fucking with people who do shit like this…ill pull the ace ventura, keep merging into his lane while screaming “hey! why dont you learn how to drive asshole! WOOOOOOO! WOOOOOO!”

In my 8 years of driving I have never had someone flip me off. And definatly never had people throw things at me while driving. But you seem to have an outragous story like this, every week or so. Maybe you are a hazardous driver?

Nothing will come of this.

I had sort of the same situation, except the lady kept speeding up, passing me, then slowing down. Over and over. Ended up being my neighbor. Her KIDS threw stuff at my car because I had given up the battle to go the speed I wanted, because she kept passing me if I did, so stayed behind her.

I followed her to let her know that her kids were THROWING SHIT at my car, and when she pulled over, her kid got out and asked me for a cigarette. I’m like wtf dude. So then when she turned onto my road, I had to follow her and she pulled over again and started flipping out on me. I’m like dude, you’re the one who keeps cutting me off, and your kids are throwing shit at my car.

I called the cops.
I bet nothing happened.
Although, they did move.
But they tried toilet papering my house before.

I think I made a thread about it.

Highway traffic has the right of way. As much of a douche move it was to not move to the left lane if able to out of courtesy, he was not required to.

As far as his little tirade, extremely lame.

he sounds poor.

just kick his box/home when you find him

Someone needs to be the mcdonalds/top/wegmans/gas station attendant.

like CKY said, this guy comes into my store all the time, hes pretty big, but if you would like we could set up a fight club next to my dumpster in the back and you guys could solve your driving issues there.:pedo:

If someone threw shit out there window at my car I think I would lose it, prolly get in front of him, block off the road so he couldnt get by, rip him out of his car and beat the shit out of him, or atleast scare the shit out of him. I bet he wouldnt throw shit at other peoples cars anymore :slight_smile: