To those who care.


sick. so I guess you’re not gonna get a place with mpd.

he’s gonna miss you, miss your smell.

Congrats on the new position and best of luck in the future.

Congrats on the job man, is it still with TW or someone else? I’ll have to stop by and say hey again before you move.

Buy the FD instead. :tup:

have fun sitting in traffic and paying a gazillion dollars for a house.

Congrats and good luck man :tup:

He will miss my musk, I am sure of that.

No longer with TW. Def stop by sometime.

congrats Ryan!! Keep me posted on the turnout of everything or I can ask Kendra if you aren’t around lol. take care :slight_smile:

Thanks Andrea :slight_smile: I will let you know the outcome and let me know if you need that recommendation also!

Put your car in your FS thread. I’ll buy that. Hahaha. And boooo that you’re leaving. Who’s going to help me with TW shit now? And dating advice. Hahhaa. You’re ruining my life!


Sorry Dawn :wink: I’m moving but I’m not dying, I still have a phone/internet/etc.

Oh yeah, make an offer on the ///M :slight_smile: everything has it’s price tag.

In fact if I sell the M then I can just rent a U Haul for all my crap lol

Grats never got the chance to meet you but always nice to move up in the world.

With any luck I won’t with TW soon enough… had 4 interviews (3 in one day) with a place local that I think went really really well.

Hey man, I know you worked at TWC; always saw your suby when you had it. GL down there. My buddy Tom(Boosted3g) just moved down to the DC area this morning actually, he loves it.

All the best Ryan, was a pleasure meeting you.

since we both became criminals at the same time I have one thing to say…shower time?

good luck… keep that M3, you’ll regret selling it.

Ryan, are you willing to trade? Hahahaha.

You’re gonna love life when you find out that ALL highways into DC are HOV ONLY :lol:

7am-9am and 3pm-7pm

lol u can keep the car and get a u-haul…just trailer the damn thing :slight_smile: