to tint corners or not

well here are some pics of my car if someone doesn’t know about it. it is hugger orange with black stripes clear corners

i was thinking since it has black stripes the clear corners clash a little. so i was thinking of putting some nite shade tinted ones on

these pics down here will give you a genreal idea of what i am talking about

What does yes or no mean? Yes keep the same, or No leave it alone or what?

I vote yes change them, the clear looks out of place…

nite shades is a good procuct, take your time clean the corners. And remember you can always go darker later, so no need to make it too dark with the 1st coating.

To tint like the tittle states :stick:


Pics of red/black car are sexy.

Get stock ones WHEAT!!!

I got stock ones…there on the red camaro…lol

tint looks good…so does that lip kit

Then put them on the orange car and be done

Tint them! That pic of the other car is hawt!

jeez is there even a car in the last pic?

tint the stock corners and get some money for the clear fronts. don’t tint over the clear ones.

whoever said not to tint is ghey.


3… maybe 4 coats of nite shade… I have a spare can from when I did my corners/taillights/brake light, which would be enough to a set of corners…

i vote stock ones… they match much better…

but i would chose tinted corners over clear corners…

1 Problem: I decided to tint my corners once and they turned out great, but when you turned the parking lights on they lit up red (which is iilegal in the front of the vehicle) I think niteshades has a red tint in them, but im not sure… just something to check out…

used nite shades on my factory clear and factory yellow corners and both light up yellow as they did before. I Never heard of there being a red tint

hmmm, well i dunno wtf happened then :rofl:
