Today I saw.

today, I saw a Ford Taurus that was BRIGHT yellow. At first I thought it was a school bus…much farther away. I was going north on Sweet Home, he was going south…and we both made lefts at north french.

And Friday I saw a powder blue Cavalier. Aside from the paint it looked 100% stock. No “upgrade” exhaust, no FMIC, no “altezza lights”. Just struck me as odd.

Today I saw this outside of my window.

that’s a good chop! :tup:

Pictures like this make me wish that I had a camera phone, or even a digi camera, you guys should see some of the shit around Canisius. . . .

I see cars like that in Springville and they are almost always broken.

I see cars like that (busted) parked outside of Knoll’s Mobil on Robinson every now and then. :rofl:

I wish I brought my camera to the gas station. :tdown: :bloated:

Today I saw snow

OMFG!!!1 no way!!

Today i saw a guy walking around campus with a shirt on that said “I eat more pussy then cervical cancer” and i thought that was gross. How are you gonna wear that the first day of classes?

^ lol…that’s from

Guess where I was!

^ In a van down by the river? :gotme:

a car up in flames on the 190…it must have just happened cause there was no firetrucks or cops there yet

Today I saw that 87foxgt knows my friend Rachel…

weird… lol

Oh and my other friend Sara knows the infamous Maureen:


Today I was taking a picture of a HUMMER on nfb… pretty much to see if it would fit in one picture (which it didn’t)… when a CLOWN walked into the road to give me a coupon for a Valentine’s Day at the spa.


I thought that clown was trying to promote the tax place. Either way it probably isn’t the best way to market your services.

speaking of best way of marketing you services… today I saw like thirty 20-year-olds with 40-year-old bodies.

today i saw a guy smash into my car. and drive away.

was on the 290 this morning going to work…and driving next to me was a sky blue M6…sooooooooooooo hotTt!!!

some retard on a motorcycle.