Damn i was about to go to the meet but i had famly emergency… and didnt bother going…

But earlier today i got pulled over by a cop… he asked for the usual… and checked my driving record… he asked me if i was involved in any races last night… i was confused of wat he was saying… until i found out bout the skyines on higway 7… i told him no i was with family … he gave me a look and said i will be watching your ass son . =/

I called my friend… he’s dad is an OPP officer… had a big talk with his dad…
he said how cops are taking street racing seriously. and will dispatch more undercovers than cops. they will have undercovers posting in every car clubs. monitoring our every moves. they don’t care at all. they are just doing there job to enforce. and anyone breaking those rules shall be punish.
They dont care if we are freindly or punks… they will be watching till anyone breaks the law. and it could be anything even if we dont race or act stupid… as long as we have a tuned cars they will be watching…

They will always think of a car club… just like a GANG…
they will monitor us till they can bust you with something…

i dont think being friends with them will make a difference … der job is to enforce to protect not be friends with… Once they are wearing THE UNIFORM they won’t care bout anything but the law.

A gang… Last time i checked TNC wasn’t running cops down in broad daylight, or street races down by dundas square on boxing day. Anyone wonder why porsche, bmw, and other high notirity company charge big prices. Its to keep the shit out. I’m disgusted in what that 300zx did (the white one not the black one haha) and i wasn’t even there. I was tryingto make it down(i coudln’t) and if i wasted my efforts and got there and it was broken up that would have been the worst. some people come from far i know it says toronto nissan but many mebers are from the GTA and that includes more then just Toronto

What is MTO going find wrong with your car? Don’t be afraid of the Man man if your inocent then you shoudl stand up to scrutiny

To the owner of the white 240sx that was parked against the wall. Your passenger left some of your paint on my door. Not cool!!

This one?

every one is clowns

the s1dc boys and myself had are own meet while every one tried “running” from the cops

it sucks to know, cuz most likely all the 7 skylines that got impounded are the ones that I saw @ that GTRC meet in the underground parking lot @ CG:(

it’s a shame because they were really nice examples of what we got in Ontario. maybe some of them weren’t racing and just got caught in the rush :confused:

but ya, really bad idea for stuff like that, especially on Hwy7!:{

Yup… S1DC came down from Niagara for this meet.

Glad to see that the majority of the club was cool. Hope we can have another meet where duche bags don’t show up and ruin it for everyone else.

+1 for Zep and LS13 organizing this for us, was still had a good time despite the BS. Also, the cops never came to Home Depot, at least they didn’t come in the lot. When everyone left, a few of us hung around for a while and didn’t see one cruiser.

Hopefully at the next meet there will be more cars from S1DC there…

Very Nice turn out! I also have to say thanks to rick for organizing everything! its just too bad things didnt really go as planned right from the begining with our spots infront of the rainforest cafe.

it was nice all you guys again and nice to meet some new people! everyone come out for the next meet! dont let this once incident mess it up for you.

Sucks what happened i was comming to the meet, when i got a tip that 3 car meets were going down tonight, cops check these websites, thats how they planned the hwy7 ambush.

don’t post the meet location online, send it to the e-mails.

good luck.

I was glad I was able to come down for the meet. To bad I only got to enjoy 15 min of it after driving 7 hrs to get there, but oh well. It was nice to finally put some faces with some of your names. :slight_smile:

so people know, what ive read and heard they where drag racing on hwy 7 and got busted by a chopper. dont hold me on that its what i saw on the forums and gtrc. thats what happens when you race on a hwy on a sat night.

^ agreed!

I was just on the gtrc forum and read it. someone on the suburu forum posted some pics

dont be stupid and race! because of these idiots, I bet the heat is on for all you people with skylines! I dont tihnk il be getting one now lol

buddy of mine, who happens to be on the TNC forums too
saw the cars that were @ the impound that some may have seen last night.

7 Skylines - 3 @ the impound while 4 are somewhere else because of how much space is utilized right now lol

A Porsche Boxter, Two Toyotas, & a white 180sx Type X aswell

  • one of the skylines was the JUN special edition, white car…looked really nice.

from what I know, they’re facing 6 month license suspensions, and heavy fines due to the street racing which also comes up to a criminal charge…pretty much they’re in deep shit!! Hwy7 is already a high heat area, and I’ve seen soo many incidents where the black undercover Tahoe stops cars.

It’s all good man maybe next time plus my maxima isn’t great anywayz lol all I got is tint LOL! I think your maxima is on the meet pics section is it the silver one thats a 6th gen with the rims?:slight_smile:

Ye man lol we couldve chatted it up but things were haywire when i got there lol so maybe next time man :slight_smile:

iono why but i want another TNC meeting next saturday LOL!

We should start up the region meets soon…

we will be having another TNC meet in 2 weeks. we will be hosting our meets every other saturday. ill make a post about it this week so keep your eyes peeled. next location will be a good one with not many people around to bother us.

If I am able to get a ride to the next meet I’ll bring a printed copy of my tnc logo to show you in person, zep. Maybe this way you will have a easier time picking a winnar :wink: