Tom Brady involved in a car accident

A lot of people hate him but its pretty shitty that some asshole in a rush almost ended someones career.

it was a fucking fender bender, he walked away

who cares?

No serious injury no care. :tdown:
Even if his career was ended, he’d be stuck with only banging supermodels and spending his tens of millions to entertain himself. Poor guy.

how would it be different from a careless motorist seriously injuring me? If I can’t type anymore, my career would be over.

True but it would suck to work your whole life for something and be taken away from it before you were ready.

and thus is life… (?)

He’s my starter this week on my team, I just dropped Lienart for Chad Henne in case something happens to Brady in these first couple weeks.

Why did you have Leinart in the first place? Draft awhile ago?

Not so fast…I believe they can rig you up v. Stephen Hawking

Was a nice Audi S8…

no I missed a few rounds, I automatically got him. Thank god he wasnt on my no cut list.

Shouldn’t a quarterback have the vision to see things like this, and react in time? Did this van blitz in from the weak side???


Where was the O-line at that intersection? Guess they need to sign Mankins to follow him around

Steve Neal wasn’t riding shotgun :rofl:

Lol did you just compare yourself to Tom Brady?

LOL @ van blitz.

Was it penalized for roughing the passer?

he’s a football player, not a god

so much worse stuff happens all over this world almost every minute, car accidents 10 times worse are ALWAYS happening. Yet, the instant Tom motherfucking Brady gets into a fender bender you come out an say how sad it would be if a careless motorist ruined his career?

Careless motorists end LIVES every day. So why the fuck should anyone care if Tom Brady permanently injures any of his limbs? He’ll still be living more comfortably than you ever will.

Not many people can say they’ve won the superbowl…let alone win it 3 times. I do however agree that it’s not a big deal. I couldn’t give a shit whether he’s alive, injured or dead. I don’t wish ill on anyone, but people die all the time, in various ways. After they die it really doesn’t matter who they were or how they died.

i was kinda wishing for atleast a broken toe or something to keep him out a few