Tom the roofer?

Is this ur car?

heck yes that is

I love that car

yah im transferring the video and editing it up “hopefully” ill be done at like 2am, i didnt take alot of pictures that and my camera was being screwing so ill just post the vid. When im done. :bigthumb:

there’s two pittspeeders in that photo.

i have 2 vids of tom the roofer, if you want them i’ll send them to you starboy

x2…thats A46BU (or something like that)

both have very impressive cars!!!

uploadin… FMF, Boosted, Slowsleb, Tom, and A46 runs now…

ps Blackss00 where you there? If so i think I got your one run, if not it looks like ur car.

he was drivin the 14 sec. SS. :hsdance:

ya i was there…running like poo…but i think i found out where i should lanuch at now though!!! ill be there next saturday!!!

great shots

check out the vids in the gallery :bigthumb:

who won the race between roofer and a46bu?

a46bu 9.83 to toms 9.89

on that run i ran a 9.798. But i red lit :rolleyes:

woooops thats right!