Tonawanda Residents, be on the look out (especially if you have kids)

didn’t see this posted yet.

North Tonawanda police canvassed the city for known sex offenders Thursday after a masked predator attacked a 12-year-old girl on her way to school, dragged her at knifepoint to a vacant house and terrorized her for three hours before she escaped.
The girl, who was on her way to her school bus stop when the attack began, was sexually assaulted in an incident that sent shock waves through a tidy city neighborhood.
“This is very unfortunate and disheartening, especially an attack on someone of such a young age,” School Superintendent Vincent J. Vecchiarella said.
The girl, a North Tonawanda Middle School pupil, was walking from her home to a bus stop on Gilmore Avenue at 7 a.m. when she was approached by a white man wearing a dark ski mask and dark coat. The man held a knife to the girl and dragged her to the house at 608 Gilmore Ave., which neighbors said has been abandoned for more than a year, since the death of its owner.
Capt. David M. Rousselle said the girl was held inside the house for three hours, until she escaped by climbing out a window and running to a nearby home. Police were called at 10 a.m.

fucking scum bags :tdown:

Thats fucked up. Heard that on the news. Hope they catch this scumbag

yuck. he probably shops at budwey’s.

Holy shit. How the fuck did nobody see this? Are the houses that far apart in that area? Maybe it’s a good thing that all of the houses around here are right on top of each other. That and everyone carries guns. That poor girl. I hope this asshole fuckin fries and I pray she’s strong willed and can lead a normal life after this.


There are so many issues there… ugh.

BTW - there is a big differnce between Tonawanda & North Tonanwanda… distance wise at least.

chop his cock off.

Difference, yes. Distance, not really, unless you are referring to the Town of Tonawanda. The City is right next to North. Either way I hope they catch this scumbag.

i wonder how she escaped

if i had to guess, i’d say she escaped by climbing out a widow and running to a nearby home.

It was on the news last night. She tied several blankets together and escaped out a 2nd story window. The news had video of the blankets still hanging out the window. Smart kid to be able to keep her head in a situation like that. Awful what happened to her but we’d probably be reading about finding her body today had she not escaped.

She climbed out a second floor window using blankets.

smart thinkin, i thought she stabbed him with a knife or something, i didnt see the news

well thats a given but it didnt say how, you can climb out a window by holding onto gutters or something, but then again i didnt read the whole article, smart thinkin with the blankets

ya, another county!

fucking sick, tho this could have been avoided.
Parents should be watching thier 12 yr old get to the bus stop and on the bus.
I don’t wanna hear that bullshit I was getting ready for work shit.
Kids > *
Fucking scumbags tho its just sick and makes no sense to terrorize a 12 yr old girl.
A fucking hunch back with 3 arms and one eye can get laid, expecially with the ammount of drunk fat girls who are desperatly seeking male attention to validate themselves.
With all the effort this pedo put into planning this, he coulda went to the bar, and sure maybe he wouldnt have fucked a 10… but he coulda fucked five twos.

As I drive to class early in the morning most parents are outside either watching there kids, or standing next to them waiting for the bus. I don’t know what the parents were doing. You figure there would have been someone around that saw something, maybe even some other kids? Hopefully they find the guy.

I hope some people find this guy before the cops do and make sure he spends the rest of his days in a wheelchair.