Amber Alert, N. Tonawanda, 4 year old girl abducted from home

AMBER Alert In North Tonawanda
Monday, April 2, 2007 09:31 PM - WBEN Newsroom

North Tonawanda, NY (WBEN) - The North Tonawanda Police Department has activated the New York State AMBER Alert and is investigating a confirmed child abduction that occurred at 268 Tremont Street in North Tonawanda at about 8:59pm April 2, 2007. The child, SERENITY L. PLATTS, is a white female, approximately 3 feet tall and weighs about 32 pounds. Serenity was last seen wearing a pink long sleeve jumper with a Winnie the Pooh emblem and a red fleece. The suspect, DAVID J. GROVER, is a white male, approximately 29 years old with brown hair and hazel eyes. He’s approximately 5’ 10" tall and weighs about 230 pounds. The vehicle, is a gray four door sedan 2003 ACURA TL with New York license plate number DLL5964. Anyone with information is asked to contact North Tonawanda Police at 692-4111, (866)NYS-AMBER, or 911.

Repost? lol

just heard this on the radio… horrible

:repost: but glad someone else put it up too!

yeah, thats NT for you.


yeah, thats NT for you.


Actually, NT is split into 2. You still hear a ton of stuff that happens there, but it’s always on the one side of Twin City/Nash.

Hope someone beats the shit out of the kid that abducted her. Before turning him in.

yeah, i lived in the “good” side all my life, it still sucks.

I hope they find whoever took her and spend a few hours with him in a dark basement and meat cleaver… or just let me do it.

definitely memorizing those faces

idiots could have incuded a better photo


I hope they find whoever took her and spend a few hours with him in a dark basement and meat cleaver… or just let me do it.

definitely memorizing those faces

idiots could have incuded a better photo


The picture of the scumbag is his mug shot. The picture of Serenity could have been better. If I had a kid, I’d probably have 30,000 pictures of them on my computer and would let them take their pic. Not a cameraphone pic.

Hope it works out.

scanned into my head and memorized… i wish i knew where he was this second so i could surprise him with a louisville slugger to the knees… then where ever else i wanted… @ 230 lbs… hes much bigger than I

Yeah…it is interesting the pictures of the suspect are mugshots…wonder what else he did

News just stated that she is back home. Sounds like the police are chasing the Acura with the scumbag.

They just said they have the Acura

Crisis over.

Freakinig myspace had a java popup with the amber alert. I had no idea they did that.


They just said they have the Acura


Sure that will be up for sale at a police auction or to fund his lawyer fees.

Yeah…Now not to be judgemental but watching the interview with the family of these people are whacky.

I understand its an ordeal but the interview with the Aunt and some other girl was funny. The Aunt is trying to be calm and explain what she knows but the other girl is just trashing the guy lol

Holy crap the great grandmother is on there and she is younger then my regular grandmother.


see post 5

is it me or does that dude look like he would drive a firebird with a leather jacket.

wow I just saw the entire thing. They got the Acura in the middle of NFB 15+ cop cars and a chopper. It was like christmas light show. I got 1 pic from my phone but dont know what it will looks like.