Black Grand Am at the lot last night

It was ricey, it didn’t have a front bumper and it rear ended me and then bounced. I’m really wondering who this kid is because I’d like to have a word with him. He did some nice damage to the rear of my car when I was waiting at the light on new karner last night and then he ran when I pulled over so we could talk. So if anyone knows anything about him, it would be appreciated. Thanks.

No idea but he was driving like a jerk off thru the lot. Shitty he fucked up your car and ran.

Damn, sorry to hear that man. Id like to have “words” with him as well if i were in your situation. Can you give a better description of the car? I know there was a black/flamed one there fri night…

This was a '99+ with a big ricer wing on the back.

I thought it was smoke gray and not black though.

Yea it has some parts company stickers on the bottoms of the doors. It had a big wing on the back and no front bumper. I think both of the headlights fell out after he hit me. He had a full car of people (2 dudes, 2 girls, and the driver who was skinny and kinda scummy looking I guess). The car sticks out like a sore thumb. He’d be stupid to come back to the lot again.

Def saw this
That sucks that he ran. I think you should’ve gotten out right after he hit you though instead of pulling up and to the side.

Yea it looked like he was gonna pull over and there was cars in front and in back of us so I didn’t wanna really block traffic. I would have given chase (because it wouldn’t have been hard) but I wasn’t really thinking on my feet very well at that point. He’ll turn up eventually and I’ll still be irritated so I’m not too worried about it.

come get me im always ready to throw hands

i saw that!!! i didnt know it was anyone from on here

Drag them fuckers behind one of the buildings and beat the fuck out of them where nobody else can see it.

I’m sure he’ll be back…or if you noticed who he was hanging out with, maybe his car won’t be but he will, with them.

Ive never seen that car before and I dont know if he actually stopped or just drove thru the lot a few times.

Nah he stopped, I saw him there and then I saw him down at the spot parked on the side.

Nah, DEF not photoshopped.

I guess I just didnt see him then.

I dont do gay shit so theres no gay pics of me anywhere.

Dude that sucks about the hit and run. Ill keep my eyes peeled for a car matching that description and try to get plate numbers. Should totally get him arrested hit and runs are no joke. This will be after some tire iron to the face action of course.

He popped a tire, me and chuck saw him turn into the apartments on the end of the extension i bet his cars there. YOull see a huge tire mark leading into that complex.

yeah he was with that dune buggy.

thats bullshit dude… i will keep my eyes peeled for this punk ass.

thats fucked up dude!!! if I see him at the lot I’ll truck-fuck the shit out of him with the skateboard!!!

that SUCKS joe! i havent been around the lot too much but i’ll keep my eyes open for it around town.

good luck getting everything fixed, is it just the rear bumper cover that’s messed up or is it tail lights/hatch/rear quarters, too?