Amber Alert, N. Tonawanda, 4 year old girl abducted from home

holy shit… glad it’s resolved.

where on the blvd… i was going to go out looking for fun on the bike… earlier that is… DAMNIT… why didnt i go out… wtf

post the pic

damn what a fuckin scum thank god they found her and got him.:tup:

I yelled fuck you to the chopper when it flew over mighty on the blvd past robinson…

That may or may not have been induced by alcohol…

I heard them taking him down on my Police Scanner.



You can’t link us to your own mail account n00b. :roll2: :smiley:

:tup: glad everything is alright now.

i heard he dropped the kid off at home after driving around NT.

I hate shit like this… sometimes i wonder what i have done bringing two kids into this world where society is turning to shit.

Yeah, like 4 hours later or something he just dropped her off at home and left.

First of all I don’t know the kid and don’t care…

I just heard (from a customer that knows him and the family of the girl) some “facts” about this crazy story. The dad and “Grover” were good friends all their life. The dad then knocks up some girl, and has this kid and marries psycho mom. Psyhco mom doesn’t let daddy hang out with Grover anymore but Grover and dad have been best friends so long that Grover doesn’t listen. Grover then goes to the house, grabs daughter (stupidly) to spite mom, Grover catches wind of this Amber alerts and shit, drops off daughter unharmed, and tries to get away, but doesnt.

Thats just what I heard (If you could understand me)

Edit: I think they should still throw the book at this idiot. He should know better, malicious or not, it was a dumb ass move.

parents should take a test before becoming parents.

no reading, writing req. just morals and a sense of responsibility.
so many idiots making little jerks :smiley:


First of all I don’t know the kid and don’t care…

I just heard (from a customer that knows him and the family of the girl) some “facts” about this crazy story. The dad and “Grover” were good friends all their life. The dad then knocks up some girl, and has this kid and marries psycho mom. Psyhco mom doesn’t let daddy hang out with Grover anymore but Grover and dad have been best friends so long that Grover doesn’t listen. Grover then goes to the house, grabs daughter (stupidly) to spite mom, Grover catches wind of this Amber alerts and shit, drops off daughter unharmed, and tries to get away, but doesnt.

Thats just what I heard (If you could understand me)

Edit: I think they should still throw the book at this idiot. He should know better, malicious or not, it was a dumb ass move.


Heard pretty much the same story from someone close to the liitle girls family.

at least they got the scumbag! fuck a baseball bat give me a red hot poker then will see how he likes it! fucker!!! it is people like that that really piss me off! then again me only weighing 160 i would be out of my league!

post the picture

wow that was a quick one glad they got the girl


parents should take a test before becoming parents.

no reading, writing req. just morals and a sense of responsibility.
so many idiots making little jerks :smiley:


I suspected as much when watching the news/seeing the family first hand. The situation just seemed like someone somwhere overdid it or just made a poor decision.

Sounds like this kid is going to grow up to be a stable contributing member of society. Poor little girl.

+1 for parent licensing

i was on my way home when the guy and all the 10 million cops flew by on ellicott creek rd. i was there when they got him too. i have an awesome video on my phone of all the cops surrounding the car.