Amber Alert, N. Tonawanda, 4 year old girl abducted from home

so “Grover” is the child’s father’s friend? and he snatched his buddy’s kid to spite his wife?

something like that


go to any local news website, plenty of vids.

Not sure why everyone is bashing the parents. When I got to work today I found out one of my co-worker’s kids knew the parents, as well as this Grover guy. The parents stopped hanging out with Grover because he developed a drug problem and didn’t want him around their kid. Sounds like sound parenting there.

The parents had a family member watching the kid, not like she was home alone. Again, responsible. This guy comes over and without permission takes this 4 year old on a cruise around town. He freaks when he realizes he’s all over the news, drops her back off, gets busted. Who knows what he would have done to her had he not got spooked. :tup: to quick thinking cops, the various local news stations, and the Amber Alert system.

can anyone find a vid of the chase? if so, you’ll see my black svt chasing after the cops in the back to see the action :slight_smile:

HERE. see if this works videos/flix040307_1.3g2

HERE. see if this works videos/flix040307_1.3g2

jeez, sorry about the double post. the EDIT option isnt working for some reason. just copy and paste the link and delete that space in the middle.

GOD. i’m on a roll. DONT delete that space. lol just copy and paste

i bash parents in general… especially the stupid ones :slight_smile: