
smokin you missed it dude i said i respect your need of a warmer day so you dont blow it sidewayyysssszzzz. dont you remember? i will race your nice actic white . lowerd with rimz CAMMED LS6 /LS1 factory FREAK stock rear

did you really get that “Proud” feeling when you posted this?

Just when I thought that car couldnt look any worse… :rofl


haha yea im prouder than michelle obama

Look but please don’t touch.

did he steel those rims off a boat trailer holy shit

no you wont.

you say you will run me. Then it will come down to next weekend and you will fall off the face of the earth.

aww you guys make me feel so special make me a sig while your at it

Are you related to racehatch92 or al hasan?

or addictedtococksandthings

someone get in there car and come fucking race me please i dont give a fuck who

:rofl someone is gettin butt hurt. Wanna race a intrepid?

its almost midnight…people DO have jobs you know…

Pete said meet him at Stewart’s by KMart on Route 2 in 15 minutes.

Am I typing to myself? Seriously I prolly have the slowest car of all the people talking in this thread and you won’t reply to me. Did the bench press competition really get into your head that bad?