Tonight on Mythbusters Plane on a treadmill

you voted for the plane to NOT take off? Dude, you’re an engineer! :rofl:

common sense >*

something you just found, it has been lost to you for how long?

homewrecking is common sense, i just picked it up.

thats a skill, not common sense:rofl:

they had a truck pull a tarp from underneath it, but the plane still moved forward

If you are driving 50 mph and there is a fly in your car, if the fly flying 50 mph? What happens if you hit a brick wall, does the fly go through the windshield? :nuts:

The treadmill moves under the plane but it still moves forward and takes off because the jet/prop is pushing/pulling against the AIR, not the ground.

As someone else stated, if the plane was propelled by its wheels then it wouldn’t be able to take off because it wouldn’t move. In that case the treadmill would prevent the plane’s thrust from being translated into forward motion, just like your car would behave on a treadmill or a dyno.

With air propulsion (jet/prop) it wouldn’t matter how fast or slow the treadmill was moving, it would just make the wheels move faster/slower, but should have no impact on the thrust and consequent forward motion of the plane.

Good explanation, very concise.

I always got amusement from the arguements over this I’ve seen on other forums. It amazes me how ‘smart’ people can’t see that it will take off. Planes can take off from water, or from on top of ball bearings, or even a MOVING aircraft carrier in the water.

It will take off.

Unless they do this experiment in a vaccuum.

whew…i though maybe you were all idiots. I cant believe this “myth” was even on the show. Apperently no one paid any attention in science class :frowning:

need better explanation of setup…maybe a drawing ( i can’t picture what the experiment was)

just found it on youtube… the wheel speed of the plane has nothing to do with the actual speed of the plane (the wheels spun twice as fast as a normal takeoff, but the plane moved at the same speed since the plane is propelled by the prop, not the wheels.

cliffs: plane moves because it pushes air, not by moving the wheels

I wonder if a plane was to torque brake like this on a ‘treadmill’, would the launch distance decrease noticeably?

People that are having trouble understanding why the plane can take off, you are probably incorrectly assuming that the wheels can affect the actual plane itself. They can’t. They are free rolling and the only resistance they offer to taking off is whatever inherent rolling friction exists in the moving assembly. Which is negligible compared to the thrust force generated by one or more jet engines.

no way, the wheels propel an aircraft.


all the jet engines do is spin the tires real fast.

lmfao…i love the sarcasm…and the stupidity from a few in here

on a second note…if it was an F35…it wouldn’t matter

Has no one here seen a plane do a burn out?

I have, it was back in WW II when i was making tin cans for the war movement.