I’m gonna propose! She just got out of the hospital yesterday from surgery. So I got her a get well soon present, and the ring is gonna be in the box with the present!
Wish me luck!
I’m gonna propose! She just got out of the hospital yesterday from surgery. So I got her a get well soon present, and the ring is gonna be in the box with the present!
Wish me luck!
good luck & congrats!!!
yea congrats
congrats and good luck
good luck
good luck mang and congrats!!!
werd…that’s what i’m doing now to calm my nerves.
Did you tell your parents that your GAY ?
Happy GAY
ohhh i’m happy gay alright. i’m on my 6th beer since 4:30. I’m very happy gay. With my luck i’ll get a DUI and they’ll confiscate the fucking ring.
good luck
I’m on my way to her house!! see ya!!
dont do it your still a free man
“Pray to GOD she says Yes!”
Congrats :bigok:
Good Luck!
good luck man … don’t get too drunk you might be like will you…
SHE SAID YES!! I’ll post more later! It’s time to celebrate!
Awesome! Congrats!
Congrats! Sounds like it went well!