im on a uncalibrated CRT monitor so i dunno how bright these pics actualyl came out… i adjusted them in photoshop so until i can get on my LCD ull just have to tell me
no ghost flames no care
good pics :tup:
need better lighting
just my .02
I think they look pretty damn cool! the lighting from that street light is giving the car a cool green tint, looks sweet. nice and shiny too.
yea i like the pics dude :tup:
i especially like your front bumper btw, looks tits with the front mount behind it
no more smiling front bumper
How do you like the Bride seats?
looks good, really like that front bumper
looks like a gt2 front bumper, I like it
cars lookin good
Very nice. I’m glad you used a tripod. I can’t tell you how many people say they took night shots and all you see it a blurry mess.
looks really good :tup: nicest tib…interiors hot
first shot cropped down would make a hella nice signature, with the tolls and shit on the far right, car on the left.
looking damn nice, was never big on that generation of the shark but yours looks smokin’ :tup: nice work.
I disagree.
Pics look good to me
what toll barrier is that?
its not any of the ones i work at.
i have no idea which one that is :gotme:
Not a huge fan of those style tibs, but your car gets a huge :tup:
lol agreed :bloated: