
Why did cutty get banned :reloading

ask whitey.

i wanted to rid him of the temptation to post on a site that sucks so bad…

just trying to help the guy out

ok but u still suck whitey


i got banned for absolutly nothing. u can take ur pink jetta and go fuck urself.


fuck pittspeed


hahahahahaha I was owned by the master

i am master of the interweb…

for cutty being such an OG he sure does like to whine like a little baby

Better him than me!!! :embarassd


and ur a fuckin queer so shut the fuck up :greddy2:


quess who gives a fuck douchebag :finger2:

not me for one so go ahead and boost ur self esteem by insulting me

ok ur gay

good job :bigok:

thanks queer

no ur gay, no i’m gay, no your moms brothers second cousin is gay, no your step moms second brother is gay, no your dog is gay, no your cats kitten is gay

looks like time for a football meet in the Park

damn u guys really lost me