Tornado warning!!!!!

Smokinsssss is trapped at home tornado went thru his front yard c,.p around turf trailer park is fucked

wow, we are fine in CP near the mall


my brother is up in CP right now as far as I know. Also behind the mall though.


these tornadoes are every day now

That tornado not killing that women is proof that there is no god.

Funny enough, it also proves evolution wrong :facepalm

I couldnt find any news stories/info on the CP tornado. I work with people up that way and a few live in Turf.

wtf? tornado in CP? BS.

That tornado wasn’t even two minutes driving distance from my shop. Was there this afternoon too.

John posted it here

It’s true I’m here now helping .


I’d believe it. Northway south and north came to a stop. I veered off at exit 10 hit massive hail, missed have a tree land on route 9 and ran over numerous other debris. More shit down between 10 and 8a then there was in the tropical storm. Didn’t see it but they got hit hard with something.

No shit! CP?!

Yea I live in the building next to smokin and damage isnt to bad but still fucking irritating having no power and trees down everywhere …

what I saw today, made everything Irene gave us look like a joke. It was the most fucked up thing. Happened so fast. Thats whats fucked up about it.

all said and done in 10 minutes. First light rain, then a torrential downpour. Rain turned into nickle sized hail, then a complete white out that sounded like it was going to blow the windows out. Roads turned into a flood with tree braches floating down it. Then branches and shit started spinning out front and you couldnt see 10 feet out the window. Lights flicked, tree’s snapped and power went out.

me and my buddy went out right after in his car. Tree’s down on trailers, cars, houses, fences, light posts twisted. On the back road behind my place, every single yard has tree’s down. Power lines laying in the road etc. It just happened to touch down right here, then go back up. I didnt have my camera with me but the shit me and my buddy were seeing before the tractors and tree companys started coming around was mind boggling. I will get out tomorrow morning and try to take some pics. Its pretty freaken bad. John has a pic of the funnel cloud above my place on his cell phone.

on a side note I am kind of nervous to look at my car in the morning. Pretty sure it suffered hail damage. Thing that sucks is I was watching the news and we had no warnings or else I would have atleast put the car cover on.

my parents were in lowes right down the road from my apartment when the power went out. The manager got over the loud speaker and said there is a tornado and for everyone to stay inside.

im tellin ya, go take a ride tomorrow morning past turf and down that way and tell me its not bad!

It is , I went that way after dropping nick off and still fucked . Those blasts of light we saw was more elec transformers and lines arcing and shit lol

yah. I will try to get some pics of shit tomorrow. We just got power (obviously) but the people down the road dont yet.