Toronto-2-Wasaga *Sep.9th* Back-2-School.

I think it should be fine, if you check the radar it looks like its going to be south of Barrie and only stay in Toronto. Once we start moving it shouldn’t be to bad.

So im guessing its still on, just wanted to make sure cuz ill be leavin close to 11 cuz of the hour ride to the meeting spot.

I’m in, theres gonne be little if any rain who cares.

im rollin out in about 30 minutes from york

Im leavin in like 4 mins so ill see you guys there, hopefully im not the first one there =P but if i am ill be in a stanza waiting.

The meet was pretty fun, a little bit unorganized but i say it was worth it. Dan & Tim are probably the funniest guys i’ve meet, it was good to put some names to faces. Overall good meet.

who were you?^^
Fucking awesome either way…

which car / person were you?

yea it was a blast,
and as for organization…it was horrible but it turned out awwesome thanks to ‘forrory’

ill get workin on the pics…

anyone else home yet?
now we
enjoy a year of school

take it to the [edit]track[/edit] lmao

I got a lot of photo’s from the 400 highway,
Also on the beach & in the mountains.
I’ll start uploading , just go on msn if you want specifics.

Just got back. You guys are fucking monsters on the highway, I’m doing a steady 120-130, and everybody flew by me LOL.

GREAT meet in the end. I had a wicked time. Other than 90% of people come super late (3 hours+). Swimming was awesome. The dog cock. Overall just great!

I sat at 135 with people riding my ass with high beams on,
I couldn’t get off the gas for a second without them coming dangerously close ( not you guys , people in pick up trucks and vans )

before we hit the highway I was doing a steady 75 in a 80 zone,
if I would have passed that tow truck , I would have lost all you guys so I found it safer just to go slow.

Falken, who were you? Thanks for the compliment. As I said many times today, I am hilarious.

LOL, Matt and his mind games. DAMN YOU MATT!

HAHAHAH BURN…how bout that pack of smokes? haha

I think falken is the guy with hanabi’s and the coupe silvia…

you guys are so stingee with smokes…

yea killer time, you guys just split on the hwy lol, i was drivin with matt and the stanza, but i duno where anybody else was,

and how bout the inital D road at blue, JDM TYTE!! thats awesome cant wait to hit that in the winter time with the beater,

I was the black dude with the white s13. My names is Ricco by the way.

Yeah was a great meet, and i found out the stanza doesnt have the 180 speed limit =) matt might know what im talking about with that ricer fly-by =P

Dude, don’t even go there. I’m SOOOO mad!