Toronto-2-Wasaga *Sep.9th* Back-2-School.

Guys, this was honestly a fucking GREAT kickass meet. I’m glad I didn’t sleep through it and fucked my manager over by not showing upto work. :smiley:

Oh man what a fucked up meet, I love it. The pre meet turned out amazing pull in one lot with the Silvia fronts only to realize I’m just turning in and out. Look in my mirror they are all following me. Drive like 100m down I see Matt parked so we pull in and realize fucking Tim is asleep. We end up deciding hey lets go to Wasaga anyway and ya were off. Tim I want some of those pics bro and I should have some up soon to.

Funny enough it was good we didn’t attend that cruise thing. Once you guys left I grabbed my phone and we started walking to the store and I check the time, 7 o clock…she had to be home for 8. Needless to say we head back to the car and well book it, neither of us knew the exact way from Wasaga to 400 or Airport. Glad to say we stayed back because if I would have came along I would have left at the bottom of the hill yet again. So ya we got home in time its all good and man it was sweet.

Matt: Sweet Car
Dan: I had to delete a fucking dozen dog boner/humping pictures :moon:
Tim: t2t membership funds should be spent on an alarm clock for you
Silvia front end guys: fucking sweet rides

Ya it was fun, damn limiter

P.S I was the loser/with girl in bikini/hollister guy with the skyline for those who don’t/didn’t know

i came close to sleeping threw it…

its AWESOME you guys called me

and im glad it wasnt any bigger… wasaga is cool for hard parking but its not big enough for cruises with 20 cars, lol.

pics are crazy

so many plates to edit out tho

Sounds like you guys had a good time, Im mad I couldnt make it :frowning:

You should be! You missed Dan being funny and teh ghey. Matt showed off his hot bod and I am apperantly in a poster, if I lose 20 or so pounds.

Sorry Dan hockey tooks it’s toll on my man titties


Did you atleast keep ONE memory of the dog cock alive?

teh ghey man has turned to animalz pr0n.

pic of the day for dans dreams

I would have posted it straight , but im in the garage and im networking my inside computer and it doesnt allow me to edit photos on the computer inside from my computer outside.
ill do more

someone better have a shot of my car in motion!

haha I’d be humpin that to =D

Bro, I’m telling ur gf u just said that. BTW, tell her never EVER to hug me again. I could barely shift after lol!

Tim, I actually really like you car too man. Other than the fact that it’s a floating vagina, and I can’t fit inside of course… I’m too big of a man :wink:

so w hat happened to us?
where did we go wrong?

haha just FYI guys that was NOT my girlfriend, she’s my best friend :slight_smile:

Oh ya Tim hahah hahahahah HAHAHAHAHAH Miata.

if I was your best friend, I’d want you round me all the time.
ok fifty n olivia.

zoom zoom
jealousy hurts eh guys?

Dude, Ramesh is SOOO brown.

LOL fuck you guys man I gotta get up in 6 hours and I can’t sleep because I’m still laughing at this meet.


he challenged me at dunville on the 16th.

silvia convertible ka24de 5 speed stock vs the miata.

its on!

ha hahahaha ha! we laughin straiiiight to tha bank… ha ha ha hahaha ha!!!

miata will kick it’s ass! what is it’s final drive gear ratio?

I just got back, glad to hear everyone found there way home alright. I stayed behind to eat and take care of some other things. I had fun it was cool to share my mountain pass with u guys. Hope you liked it.