Toronto-2-Wasaga *Trip#2* Sept.23??

LOL, those are friday nights man. and those meets are VERY exclusive :wink: hahaha! invite only!

sweet do i get an invite for tomorow?

lol sure, if ur in the neighbourhood, stop by. i doubt matt will though hahaha!

i wont say anything, but untill something is in INK about a time/date to meet …then i will let you guys know if i can make it
please let me know via pm if i dont view this thread. i dont make it on here too oftin.
thanks: Konvokiller

i duno more closer to the date the more ive been second thinking goin up there, the weather is getting shitty and its getting dark real early, plus its calling for rain i think, but w/e theres always next year lol

where was everyone… i waited for 2 hrs…

LOL everyone decided to bail dude.

oh yeah and i had some power window issues… next time.