Toronto/Canada's Wonderland Pictures

So I’ve had this whole past week off and decided to take the g/f up to Toronto for a couple days and stay with my Dad. Drove up Monday night, and went to the CNE for a few hours. Rip off. $14/person to get in and $20 to park. Then inside, all you could really do, was ride the shitty rides, eat, both, or shop through all those exhibits of shitty quality products.

Any who, after that, we took a walk down the waterfront for a bit, and then drove DT to walk around and run through the Eatons Center quick.

Then on Wednesday we went to Canada’s Wonderland… and that should be pretty self explanatory.


The obligatory CN Tower pics…

City hall

Street Car

Along the waterfront…

i know you had a better picture on the facebook… let me find it

And off to WONDERLAND!

Dive Show… This waterfall was about 20 meters.

Drop Zone. Looks like they enjoyed it…

Pretty much the first thing you see once you enter the park.

Me and the woman…

Jen being a SLLY GSE

My brother being a handsome devil. (It runs in the family)

Brother and the wifey with Scooby Fucking Doo

Then we stole him.

Show off…

Random spinny ride.

A collage of rides.

And then…sadly…the batter for my camera died, because I forgot the charger here at home. God damn it!

Oh well. overall, fun trip. Always love Toronto and it never ceases to amaze me when I see how clean it is. Such a booming city.

your girl is incredibly hotter than his


oh, and yea canadas wonderland is pimp… haven’t been there since I was like 6, looks like I should go back.

what a SLLY GSE she is

i hate the pic of scooby byhimself i dunno Y but i wanna be like “EW U STOP IT RIGHT NOW”

Honestly…I like Darien lake better, plus it costs less.

Nice pics…nice girl :wink:

Darien Lake sucks balls. They don’t maintain anything and the rides feel like shit. I used to like it but there is definitely a reason why Six Flags dropped them.

Nice pictures. The gf and myself checked out Canada’s wonderland last summer and had a blast. Next you should check out Cedar Point which is even better then Canada’s wonderland

Oh it’s definitely on the list. Just need to find the time to get out there now.

nudes of your girl?

  • karma, i was just thinking the same thing :lol:

it was only a matter of time before it was said anyways.
