Going to Toronto Next week Suggestions?

Going to head up Monday night to see some family, then spend the day in TO with the g/f.

I haven’t been in a while, and there are the obvious things to do. (CN Tower, Eatons Center, etc…) But I’ve been there enough to not care about that shit.

Anyone been up recently? I was thinking of the Lantern Festival but it’s also $25/person.

TheEx is going on now, so I’ll probably hit that up. And possibly Ontario Place area to walk the waterfront.


check for the CNE, i sure as hell wouldn’t pay 25 bucks to see lame ass lanterns tho.

TheEx = CNE


bigslice :slight_smile:

wat? It says in my OP that I’ll probably go to it. lol.

Find a little bar on John street called The Fox and the Fiddle…

Great food and atmosphere!

Go on a Canadian Punching Tour?

god dammit, sorry :frowning: