Torque Specs please! KA24DE

Hey guys, Im swapping in another KA in my 240 and have Service Manuals back home in Moncton but there no good to me there lol, Wondering what the torque specs on exhaust and intake studs are, thanks!


Please read Stickies

The fsm you speak of should be in here.

Thank you Mister Bam, but unlike some I don’t really have time to search every corner of the internet or even a forum. I have a life, no need for your bold font. :roll:

But thanks

I’m just stating facts (not being a dick):

You’re lucky that I took time to give that to you. There are many forums where you would have got blasted for not using the search button at the top or reading the stickies at the top the sections. The link I gave you was a sticky on top of the section you posted in and could have been easily found.

I have no idea what your forum experiences are but here’s a heads up if you didn’t already know. No hard feelings. :wink: