torrent people:torrents and DSL?

torrents used to work great for me back when I was on powerlink. Now with a switch to Verizon dsl they no longer work. I have no idea if its something to do with the DSL or something else but the two seemed to come in together.
I can connect to people fine and am getting enough seeds and stuff but My download speeds are rediculously slow. I am using utorrent now, bittorrent also does the same thing. Bittorent is what I always used in the past.
Anybody have any ideas on what might be causing this?

I have nothing good to say about Verizon or their DSL.

Search connection speed tests on Google and run one.

I was getting about 300kbs with DSL. Now I get about 4mbs

do you have the one with a router? if so you need to do port forwarding in order to get faster speeds…i had no problems with verizon and torrents

yeah… gotta port forward… it’s explained on the utorrent site
i get 320KB from dsl

had the same problem… may want to try what these guys suggested.

have no idea why, but I connected fine… but was only getting like 2-3K/sec d/l speeds lol

with powerlink I’ve gotten up to 800K/sec :tup: :slight_smile:

you also want a static IP for your computer assigned from the router, but that is also part of the port fowarding

seems to be working better, the portforwarding site was great.