Bad connection with bittorrent

downloading a torrent and it keeps telling me that my port is not forward properly but i know it is, i took off my router and just connected my computer directly to my modem and it is still doing the same thing. i am getting such crappy speeds because i cant connect to anyone, any suggestions?


also i dont know if this means anything but i now noticed that i have no problems connecting to my wireless router via iphone with it not connected to my computer, where as before it would always say unable to connect to network on my phone, granted there is no internet connection through it but its still finding it now. so maybe modem is the problem?

Do you have the windows firewall on?

does your router support UPNP?

if it is still broken without the router, then you must have some software firewall blocking the traffic.

I have add windows firewall exception checked and enable upnp unchecked in bittorrent

Download uTorrent

Try it with the windows firewall, antivirus, antispyware disabled. (security risk but these sometimes block connections)

Enable uPnP in your router

Check your router uPnP tables and see if you see the client advertise for open ports.

Also, do you have a Westell Verizon DSL modem/router? I could never get that thing to forward ports properly.

try this site, It walks you through step by step depending on what router and program you are using

utorrent is better it forwards the port automatically

thats not always true.
i use utorrent and always have to manually forward the port.

This is based on your router using uPnP

ok i think i fixed it, i didnt have a static ip address so i did that and it seems ok now

it shouldnt matter. your ip address will stay the same when your PC is on.

well i dont know ever since i did that it has been working fine :gotme:

Maybe he setup portforwarding at one time based on his assigned IP at the the time?