Toshiba blows

ok long story short

bought a toshiba sattleite P25 over a year ago
right about/ just before the 1 year mark things start going wrong … i’m in Iraq and get get warranty action done …
get home 1 year warranty is up and the harware si taking a shit left and right

first the dvd/rw drive take a shit … no problem buy a replacement … now the hard drive si taking a shit…

anyone know of any site that can guied me through a replacement? and where to get parts from? i know my basic electronics shit and i’m 95% sure i can figure it out…

any suggestions anyone???

replacement of the HDD?

check CDW, they usually stock laptop stuff pretty cheap.

My toshiba has been amazing minus the loose screen, and the hard drive did the same thing. Your best bet is to go on newegg and pick up a upgrade unit. It will cost you about $80 but it is quieter, more space and faster.

if you want me to pull the info from your drive send it to me…

and the hard drive should be:

flip it over… it will either be under s 3x2 inch plastic piece which is held on by little screws


the hdd is behind a plastic peice on the side, that is usually held on by one screw.

post a pic and i will tell you exactly…

also you will need a ide adapter to access the laptop dirve… they have 44 pins instead of 40

if u were in iraq, explain to toshiba that you couldnt take it in during the warrenty period because u were in iraq. they should help you out.

Get a hold of Zwarbyt, he works for Toshiba so he can help you out…

i did explain that … they sent to em call one company who had no idea WTf they were talking about they sent em to another who sent me to another …
at they end i was paying for everything and no one would help just wanted to send me on to someone else …

checking for new hard drives today …

i don’t need any of the info on it i kept all my info on my external which is another story…

Just bought one on black friday one of those 249$ deals and it siays intergarted wirless right on the laptop and it never came with it. Comp Usa siad that was a mistake from toshiba. 2. its says 256 of ram when there is only 128 in it…:tdown:

hey btw… how do you know the hdd is going… it might just be somehting else…

because it says all summed up : your hard drive has taken a shit ont he blue screen of death" basically constant powerloss to the HDD … it’ sbeen slowing up and barley accessing it … dosen’t wanna run anymore