so my laptop is effed up

okay i have a toshiba satellite laptop…not sure on the model number. It’s had about 4 new motherboards put it and it keeps breaking over and over. Right now none of the USB ports work, the wireless card likes to disconnect from my internet and the CD drive doesn’t like to burn cd’s once in a while. can anyone help me out? or should i smash it with a sledge hammer and buy a new one?

My last laptop was a satellite series toshiba. it was a PITA. Overheated due to a flawed fan design that collected dirt inside. Its had multiple motherboards, etc etc etc. TAKE A HAMMER TO THAT FUCKER.


4 new mobo’s I probably would have asked for a different model after the 2nd one as something is going on that shouldn’t.

Still under warranty? Get an upgraded or equivalent model.

Have you tried a fresh format of windows/re-install of all drivers yet to try and clear up all the USB/CD Drive/WLAN issues? If not, try that once. Then procede below.

Or smash it Office Space style.

my warranty expired in march. i tried getting a new one but the fuckers wouldnt give me one. maybe ill take it back to the best buy and throw it against the wall, or bring a hammer in with me and beat the shit out of it.

Did you buy it at BestBuy? They should have allowed you just to exchange it.

yes i did. the manager there was a fucking dick and wouldnt give me a new one.

I’d bitch slap them. Literally. Walk in there cock in hand and bitch slap him. Not with your cock, we know you’re not that gifted. Or are you? Furthermore you need to hold your ground. But will it crumble? Time will tell. Or will it? Fish tacos.


oh im gifted. haha. dude IKSHO89 is my witness, i argued with the fucker plenty of times and he wouldn’t give me a new one. I don’t think there is much I can do since the warranty is expired…or is there?

You could pee on his rug… dude.

that’s a possibility

you want to wait outside for me when i run out of there so i can just hop in and we can go?


buy a dell

kk i’ll let ya know when we’ll do it

that’s a possibility

i might go with an ibook