Total annihilation for pc

Just picked it up for the third time.

  1. lost it
  2. dog chewed it
  3. on the way!

$7.50 with both expansions.

This game is 10 years old and I still love it.

Anybody know of a sequel?

Supreme Commander would technically be the sequel.

Also there is still an active mod/multiplayer community for TA supprisingly

that is a awesome game. i just wish the AI was a bit more advanced. At the time it was good but it makes replay a bit easy. I blasted through it on hard a couple weeks ago.

Download the bonzai AI booster. You can select a little boost or a lot. Also there is a code to put in to play against 10 AI’s in skirmish mode.

lol i still have my orignial copies of the game from like 8 years ago, good game but its just too old for me now

Or is it. :open_mouth:

I’m having trouble installing the expansions.

I get: C:\windows\system32\autoexec.nt. The system file is not suitable for running MSDOS and microsoft windows applications.

The game is meant for win95 but i had no problem installing the game cds, just not expansions.

Im running XP

Any help?

worked for me on XP, i have all the expansions great game, still kicks ass.

Easy fix. :slight_smile: