TOTALLY unreal ex girlfriend story, must read.

Some of you may remember me posting this email that I got from an ex girlfriend. This email from her was the first contact that we’ve had in over 5 years.

"Dear Travis,
I’m so sorry I never appreciated you. You"re a wonderful person & you deserve someone really great. I wasn’t a good friend to you after our break up. You put sexual pictures of me on the internet & I was pretty mad. But I deserved that. I wish I could go back & make things right, but I can’t. All I can do is hope that you’ve found someone who will make it all go away. Take care of you & know that you deserve the best.


Throuhout several more emails, she stated several times that she owed me an act of kindness. She said that she’d give me a kidney if needed, shit like that. Well, we went a few weeks without talking, and I got this email-

“Something’s wrong. The dreams won’t stop. You’re trying to work
around some type of physical/health problem. Urinary/scrotal, or something in
that area? Please let me help you. I was planning on getting the monks to do
prayers for you in Thailand, but there’s got to be something I can do now.”

Keep in mind, this chick is a PhD. She’s not stupid. Well, I tell her that I got laid off, and the two most important events of my life that are coming up soon are in limbo because of a lack of funds (and that’s the truth). I suggest that she sends me $1000 dollars as her act of kindness, and to ‘clean our slate’.

I just checked the mail, and found this-

Discuss. She’s shown me that she’s truly sorry for her past actions, and I appreciate her now more than ever.

Tell her to send Adam $1000 and youll take her back :lol

bullshit!!! anyone can write their name on paper and throw some money in front of it… I call bullshit.



Where’s the envalope she sent it in?

What kind of drugs are you on cause I want some

I can post it, whatever, but if I posted that, every entire email, etc, someone can still say that I fabricated the entire story. Proofs in the cash.

I don’t know you, but you sir are a scumbag.


that, if true, is the most whacked out story ive ever heard. sweet as hell for the 1000 bucks. but maybe your balls really will stop working? worth a 1000 bucks, i say hell no. karma’s a bitch so watch out if u keep that grand you may lose a nut!!

I think you need to bang this girl again…and take more pics!

In for JClarks response…

haha black mail FTW :number1

It’s totally true, several people on here can vouch for my integrity. She realized she treated me like DOG SHIT, took the time to reach out to me, and offered me an act of kindness to show that she truly sorry and still cares about me. No Karma involved here, I did nothing wrong by taking the cash.

I’m sure that doochebag Justin (celtic something) will like this thread too:clap

awesome man. tell her to call my ex maybe i can get cash too!

Why would anyone want to do that in the first place is what I don’t understand

Why aren’t you married to this bitch?

Because she’s currently married to someone else.