touch pro 2

videos in action

part 2

its bigger, like the size of an iphone, i already got the software on my touch pro, so does ninetyonetwoforty steve

This phone is like sex but only binary

:lol I don’t WTF that’s supposed to mean. I want this phone though!

Did he really say 45 hour battery life under moderate/heavy use? 1500mA battery is pretty beefy!

uh ya u got me confused right there for a sec, i was like… what…how this phone binary LOL

yea appparently he did, but did u see the battery, looks 2 and a half times bigger

and dude no flash sucks, i use it alot as a flash light… fuck… i dont give a SHIT about a mute button

Fuck no flash, I’ll have to solder in a fucking LED and wire it to a hardware button :rofl

then do mine too :smiley:

phone looked like everything else except for this

legitimate full QWERTY keyboard FTMFW, screw the “touch screen that is just as easy to use” BS

^ Conference calling is sick on these phones. I think I had 4 people on at once just to try it :lol

Nice phone. My brother has the original. I like this keyboard more than my Pre one since the buttons are bigger, etc. Although the Pre wasn’t isn’t that bad once you get used to it.

HTC makes some very impressive phones. Does this one offer an expansion slot?

I dont know anything about an expansion slot, but what would you need one for?

Well I believe the original only came with 4GB useable storage right? I mean, I guess if they include 8 or 16 standards that’s fine…but on the original, that was kind of a crappy thing.

Ah, there is a micro SDHC (?) it can support like 32 gigs or something stupid.

That’s nice. That’s what I was asking about. The 4GB was a limitation before.

DO WANT. I can’t wait till these come out.

x2 i think ill buy one

OMG if your going to buy one and I probably will, who can I give my current touch pro to for free???:eek

i will if i can use my upgrade after i change my plan?

phone looks so much better than the Pre. im interested in this and the HTC snap if i can upgrade my phone with leaving my plan alone.

you can upgrade your phone anytime and not change your plan, you just have to pay retail.

I won’t EVER change my plan, so I gotta deal with retail / ebay when i want a new unit.

well you keep talking about the diamond

the diamond is the touch pro w/o the keyboard, it also had internal 4gv storage, where as the tough pro had 512mb and sdhc slot for up to 16 or 32gb i forgot

and… kramer the keyboard is no biggie nearly all htcs have them, the one thing is that they offset the keys but that isnt much of a big deal to me im typing now from my touch pro and its fine