Tough one for the photoshoppers v. R6 Paint

As some may know, I will hopefully be bringing the R6 in for a paint job this winter and I am having trouble deciding on the paint scheme. I def. want it to be a majority of a flat/satin black with some gloss black mixed in. I had previously debated a 2 tone style with the bottom being satin, tank and rear cowl in gloss. And it looked pretty damn good.
Now I’ve come up with another design that I think is 50/50 and is either going to look great, or look like complete ass. So I need to call on the power of the pros. I want to try a satin black/gloss black camo design. Its going to be a tough one, but I have faith. I am really in a tough debate here and wouldn’t mind throwing someone $10/$15 (don’t have a lot of extra dough at the moment) to take a little extra time on it to really make it look good so I can get a really good representation. Just let me know
Thanks in advance. Also, feel free to eliminate the red decal… its an old one.
