Ideas for custom paint?

Hey guys, first post here after reading for a bit. I’m currently looking to buy a '07 Triumph Daytona 675 but I’m not a huge fan of the all red paint scheme so after speaking with the Russian we have decided its time to see if anyone has some skill with photoshop and good ideas ;D
I know that the pic is grey and the bike is red but its the best picture I can find at the moment, I’ll keep looking and trying to find better pictures if anyone wants to give it a shot.
Thanyou in advance for any help.

kindof a shitty photojob, but gives the idea. if you do the glowing red-hot effect on a red bike it would be easy, and will look pretty nice.
or you could go crazy with some white on red vynil designs but since the bike in the pic is gray it won’t look nearly as good.

That’s actually pretty cool, never seen “Glowing” paintjob

My brother can do that at his shop.

Flat Black?? :nod

Flat black is what I was maybe thinking but I can’t decide. I think I would get sick of the no shine. I’m liking the look of a white main paneling with a black tail since the frame and seat the seperates the two is already black, can’t visualize it to well though and suck horrible with paintshop.

hows this?

Thats a pretty damn good chop.

The look on the other hand would be much better all white IMHO.

So far i like the black and white the best

flat black for the win. plus its diy. just do flat black with a semi gloss clear, not fully glossy.

fuck bodyshops

The black with the white is deff the best so far. Here is another pic of a white with black bike though the “black” is carbon fiber…