tour video

I helped some late night editing on this thing about 3 months ago. It is a compilation of my friends band from their tour 2 summers ago and random warped tour shots and some candid stuff. give it a look. some of you might even like the music

holy fuck, how hard is it to post your thread in the appropriate section… note this thread use to be in OT…

gave it like a minute, the video is small, they are all wearing their sisters shirts and they are yelling words.

and they are all tougher than you.

sorry for the wrong forum again

you can definitely tell!!! i mean do you see how they stretch out the X small shirts they are wearing! damn big dudes!

Your friends with them, no shit, I lived with thier old drummer and his wife 2 years ago.

which one did u nail? :hitit: or :gaysex: ?

The cat, dont be silly

haha yeah I have been friends with all of them for years.

Heard them a few years back, didn’t dig the leads voice.

Dom’s 8Grands band owns, if they are together this week :slight_smile: