If you went to high school with me...

…you should know this guy.

who is it?
Why did I watch the entire video?
Who do I see about paying me for a waiste of time.

If i wanted to see a fuck dude bouncing around all F’d on acid/ X i would have just painted up Burnyd and kicked him in the nuts…

Shalerpunk you should be banned from posting in multi media IMO.

Carl Criss, friend of mine from high school and drummer for Ninjas Who Met God

silence your hole, noob. :nono:

meet me in e-fighting OG

WTF is that dude ON? hahahahHAHAHHAAHAHAH

haha, wtf was he doing with that video?


If I remember correctly, several bottles of robitussin…

i tried that in college… it tasted so bad that i mixed in with OJ and it made this crazy fuscia color… all i got was sick to my stomach :doh: :wtcslap:

quite possibly the WORST band in existance. Played a show with them a while back. They repeat the same line over and over for a 5 min song. THen they have the piano player girl… she is usualy so plastered she cant stand up. Just hitting random keys. An everyone loves them :hsugh:

I still couldnt get over the fact that THAT many ppl came to see that band. I thought they were a joke. But they arent. Well in their eyes i guess.

Never heard of them but from their myspace picture they look like a joke. Maybe they’re liked because of the fact they are a joke? :shurgs:

and u call chaz a noob:kekegay:

Darkstar from back in the day???

i didn’t donate this year.

i think the whole idea is that all these local bands come to be “serious as fuck” in their black clothes and square glasses while their similarly clad fans either stand solemnly and nod their heads OR mosh poorly, while bands like the ninjas, the hood gang, et cetera… are just about getting on stage and getting people going. fucking run-on sentence.