haha this pic is the best. Some old bitch screamed “you suck” inbetween one of our songs… our vocalist proceeded to say “Oh, im sorry you came to the wrong show, the usher concert was last night”… im in the middle of one of our break downs Zach looks right at the lady and says “Fuck you, I hope you choke”
Other then that it was a reall y really good show for us. The singer Zach is from Our Dying moment, we picked him up 3 days before the show, he came to the 2 practices we had and sang a awsome show. We kicked our singer out about… oh 3 days before the show lol. There was supposed to be a bukch of like media and club owners there… but we didnt get any offers from anyone. Oh well. A show is a show. I didnt get to bring my set ive invested all this money into. I payed for it too… i didnt realize that there was only a little bit of cymbal stands… so I had to improvise.
Thanks to all of the Pittspeed fags that made it out… meaning all 0 of you :madfawk:
No offence but Hard rock shows suck. We like going down there to drink ocassionally(when we fill like paying higher prices to help the economy), but we tried one of those “shows” and they sucked big time and were over charged at the door.
thats what we thought… the rest of the bands sucked…we had to sell 65 tickets… in the end our bass player footed the bill. None of us besides him wanted to play it… it was only 5 bucks to get in… other then that WE had a good show…the show it self sucked balls.
Ok… well from the pics I still have no clue which one you are… never meet you… Ya Hard Rock is a hard place to have shows… no place to move and all the Preppy people go there