tow dolly question

does the car that is being towed on the dolly have to registered?



Wrong ^

The vehicle being towed FOR A FACT needs to be registered. The dolly does not.

Rules changed last year…Can easily be verified with a call to usual, they have the DMV info on the counter.

Edit: uHaul will still rent you the dolly whether it’s registered or not.

Intransit permit is also accepted.

Madwabbit is correct. The vehicle BEING towed is the registration for the dolly at the time. Towing a dolly behind a vehicle does not require a registration unless you put a deck on it, as then it’s considered a single axle trailer.

Ive never heard of the car needing to be registered. People that scrap cars use dolly’s all the time.

^^ I’ve never been caught/stopped either…done it 20+ times.

I was just making sure Pete was aware of the actual rule…not just someones assumption.

Wasn’t an assumption just didn’t realize the rule had changed.

That rule changed a while ago too

If any vehicle being towed has wheels on the ground it has to be. What are you trying to tow?

Tow dolly, no reg
Car on dolly needs reg

Just ran across this for trailer reg at dmv.