Toyota outsells GM in 2008

GM said Wednesday it sold 8,355,947 cars and trucks around the world in 2008, falling about 616,000 vehicles short of the 8.972 million Toyota announced Tuesday.

GM can lose some ground on total sales if they start making more money per sale. Bottom line is total sales is just for bragging rights, profit is the only thing that really matters. Right now, Toyota is winning both…

Well Toyota is forcasting it’s first operating loss in 71 years for 2009.

Didn’t sell enough CTS-Vs huh? Too bad, they are #1

nothing i didnt expect

stay tuned. there are some tricks up their sleeve.

They plan for the worst, but I have a feeling Toyota won’t be posting up any losses this year. And IIRC they haven’t had any layoffs either. So :tup::tup::tup::tup::tup:

Toyota is smart. When the gas crisis came, they stopped making Tundras and put their people through training courses instead of laying them off. Not only do the people get more experience and better at what they do, but Toyota isn’t stuck with 500,000 trucks on the ground that they can’t sell.

Unlike Chevy, who started pumping more out.

Go Ford

Ford is awesome. Easily my favorite of the big 3.

CTS-Vs were not available until late December and in very low quantities.
But even at expected yearly volume it would not have made up the deficit.

With the margin being so close last year this was expected.

Well GM trucks increased their market share and only fell 24% in sales where Toyota lost market share and had a 30% decline in sales. Toyota probably stopped making them because they projected 200,000 trucks and knew they were going to be no where close. Not sure what GM projected, but I do know there was a large increase in trucks in 4Q, so plant shut downs in 3Q might not have been the best idea.


For those who don’t think Toyota won’t post a loss anytime soon needs to read up a little more on your financial news. The Yen keeps gaining strength against the USD and EURO that in itself is bad news for all Japaneese auto makers. I would be surprised if Toyota Doesn’t post a loss for Q1 in '09.


What is a CTS-S anyway? Maybe the S stands for self-parking so it doesn’t need valets. :gotme:

+(imaginary)Karma for you answering this question seriously

Why in a state of economic decline would there be in increase in trucks ? thats idiocy.

Not only is it idiocy, it is the American way.

Speaking of idiocy, where do you see an incline is truck sales in that spread sheet?

Its a typo in my excitement and incomprehensible love for the greatest car on the planet.