i am a tattoo artist currently working in a shop, looking to get a project s13 hatch…just shell is fine, if interested pm and i can send you a link to my portofilo, also if you have any parts would be willing to work something out
where is your shop located?
sorry for the triple post, use the second link!!
Not laughing at you, laughing at this d-bag and another from another thread…just wow
Nice work though, where are you located…been thinking about getting a small tattoo lately…
that dbag is my best friend lol…dont worrie he is a total homo
how much u charge an hr
+1 also interested
at least its not a cavvy… somewhat less dumb i guess lol.
as far as pricing… i was thinking of making a fare trade with what you have to offer and the piece you want to get…
for all those that just want to get tattoos without the trade for parts…i work at tatarama, located in etobicoke
Wish this offer was around when I had my coupe
lol weird…i wanted that on my arm too but diff picture
:wtcslap: why…
This is probably by far the most interesting trade i’ve seen yet…
i`ll give you a greddy turbo timer and blitz boost controller for a 11" five letter word just outlined and a piece of LINT!!! im dead serious to if you can take your tools out of shop let me know i have cash so you can buy a chassis