nonsense. Sell it to me for $600. You can have joint custody if you want to visit it on weekends or something.
is the top still green?
no its all black
these pix are over a year old though
engine bay green or black? door jams? trunk?
what would your asking price be PP?..if ur not careful this may turn into a FS thread:mamoru:
nice,love these
lol door jams are green, but the black goes in about 3 inches…
under trunk is green, and engine bay is green
Don’t forget if you trade it in, you’ll pay a little less tax on the new car. In this case, it wouldnt add up to much. Say around $88. If you were trading in a car worth 10,000 it would lower the tax around $800. .
not worth trading it in… at all
not worth trading it in… good spare care though
Micah, buy a nice car, keep this as the winter beater.
Unless you are still planning on growing up, and buying a senior citizen sedan. Then just sell this and use the money to buy an extra set of snow tires/rims for the new car.
How much are you looking to sell the car for?
Turns out micah says He’ll kill you if you ask to buy it… I retract my offer
(11:49:17 AM) Yellow Fever Micah: blood comes first
I’ll give 400 plus a BJ for Paullo from a tranny.
I can live with that. :gotme:
to answer the NINE PMs…
my brother has first dibs cuz his car is currently not going in REVERSE LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL
haha…sounds good…
You could probably get a grand for at least with a private party sale. I would put it on craigslist for maybe 1,500 or higher. Hondas fetch a decent buck around here even with high mileage. You wont get over 500 trading it in like everyone said.
yeah, especially with green jams, dealer is gonna rape u
Dealer will offer 200 bucks tops guarentee it.
When I was checking out dealerships they offered me 4k for my M3, I laughed at them. Then they had another 95M on the lot that someone turned in earlier that day. Turned in a 95 with 78k on it and they gave him 2500 and he took it… I shit myself and laughed my way out the door. Sold it private for 10,500.