i didnt’ realize that puddle was that deep either…but these idiots were prob all drunk i dont’ know what posessed them to pull it from the front…they ended up putting the truck to the frame in the hole and almost made it worse.
thats a f/s ford
maybe what you see but what i saw was a v6 s10 :booty:
well which truck was stuck?the ones in the pics?
it must be the way the pics came out, i know the dif between a fullsize ford and an s10 in person lol.
haha, sweet.
that area looks familure…
tailgate handle & body line on tail gate =not s-10
deffinately a ford like pewter said
Yes defintely an F150…look at the line going across right at the tailgate handle. s10 tailgates are smooth up there.
it’s funny how when it came out of the hole it wasn’t an f150, nore was it a full size anything, but you guys are all awesome at figureing that stuff out. not to mention the front of it was nothing like an f150 and the wheelbase is only a little bit wider than the quad in the pic. if it IS an f150 someone shrunk it. it was most DEF a minitruck maybe a toyota then if you swaer it’s not GM. it was as wide as the wrangler it was parked next to
well zoom in on it & look,its NOT an s-10
F150 you can see the ford oval
nope, not a fullsize
you can see the badges, also the moldings, the taillights, the tailgate, the rear cab mounted light, the rear window, the bed shape
its a ford full size
haha the first pic has a clear view of the blue oval
its definitely a ford dam and to think people build cars and trucks on here and cant even tell thats a ford lol
it sure looks like a 97-03 f-150 in the pictures
not s10…cool pics tho