a few pics of my old truck

my old truck and a pic of jamies blazer http://www.pittspeed.com/uploaded/CRW_1155.jpg http://www.pittspeed.com/uploaded/CRW_114a.jpg http://www.pittspeed.com/uploaded/CRW_1147smaller.jpg http://www.pittspeed.com/uploaded/CRW_1148.jpg http://www.pittspeed.com/uploaded/CRW_1151.jpg

yes they are clear tails. lol :stuck_out_tongue:

S10 SS huh?

nice. i love that s10 in the first pic. SS wheels OWN…even on C4s :kekegay:


yes chad it was a fake. and they do make s10 SS but not how that one is made up. but if you want to point fingers at fakes how about a 95 SS camaro

more hoopie redneck shit

um ok, sorry no redneck here, nor is there a bbc in a stang. so take that else where country boy or you going ot get the MtPM after me

Now i look at that truck and just :rofl:

because Todd beat it in his dads 85 305 chevy truck

its funny you say that cause when did he beat it? also shag didnt you get beat by a cavi and you was in a mustang


they didnt make a 95 ss for production. so yes a fake

This isnt about me, I’ve already stated before i lost to a cavy.

the night you went home and put the stock wheels back on and you still lost.

its a 94 wantabe SS!!GET IT RIGHT ROXboy!!!why u bringing in all these other ppl!!!got a problem come see us MtPM PPL! :rolleyes:

:wtf: is MtPM PPL

ask ur brother

Mount Pleasant Police?

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ummm yeah :ugh:

you mean the night i had the broken motor mount. yes i lost that night and to another s10

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:rofl: i make myself laugh :kekegay: