trampoline/jumps/ philippines VIDEO i made ******

im down,anyone goin tommorow night?

tonite i might go, even thuogh my whole body is in pain right now, i had 2 soccer games last nite ina row with no subs, i have a bruised rib and my shuolders, traps, lats, and abs are real tight and hurtin today, but i think i might go, i have to pick somethin up there too, but im drivin to NYC real early sat morning… hmmm i may go, ill know later today

i’m thinking of going… someone should bring a camera…

i might bring my small digi cam and just use video mode, start collecting clips for the nyspeed gymnastics video lol

i was thinking about asking onyx to film, but there are too many cute dudes in sexy gym outfits and he’d get distracted…


i think we shold wait a few times b4 we bring in a camera, those other kids will be like, why are they filming the kids that can do the least in this whole place

remember friday nites are cheerleader nites

haha @ you guys. newman, call derrick and bullshit them so i can have off tonight lol.

haha. you call them. don’t be a pussy. then we can go to the 9 shocks terror show after.

the website said no flipping unless w/ permission? hows that work out,ill probably be there, tall blond kid ill look for u guys



Track day today anyway.

haha, noone said shit to me about it. lol. everyone was going off…


but i don’t know if i’ll go if micah doesn’t

kyle can’t

lol no flipping in a gymnastics place/ thats crazy talk. would else would u do there? run around?

newman PM me ur digits,. i plan going tonite for a bit, nm is that ur # above?
EDIT: plus its friday, um what else would i be doin, tumbling, HELLO

newman are u gonna go?

im headn out now, maybe see ya guys there

leaving now.