tranny death

any one else have any problems with sr trannys, we are on our 5th tranny in our drifter s14.

we just developed a 300zx tranny conversion so we are going to try that.

What you meant to say was; ‘you bought a kit from the US and Battle Auto Salon reverse engineered most of the kit for you in good faith… you walked away with it.’

great ethics.

good luck with that kit.

no i contacted Battle Auto Sallon about putting a tranny mount and adapter plate into prduction. but they desided to sit on it for a month (like most of thier projects). gave me a price that i wasnt to happy with so i decided to pull it out.

no hard feelings because Battle Auto Sallon took to long and was a little over priced in this instance.

LOL a month? since when did 2 weeks-= month… this from the guy who said " their’s no rush, take your time …" and those hrs of on hand consult and product R&D never happened did it I suppose. Overpriced? common YOU want 50+ points, ( +100% markup) off the sale of this ’ kit’, you want more now?!.. and I was overpriced LOL.

Well at least I know which way the wind blows with you clowns now and why you were so buddie buddie all of a sudden when I was fabricating and TIG welding. Walk the other way quickly next time you see me.

Great ethics and moral values on you two.

I’m sorry, but i never asked for a fight. i never said i wasn’t going to get you to produce the pieces i asked you to. and i think as a shop owner i have the right to do a little shopping around to get what i want for my business. i didn’t start anything we are both growing shops and i don’t think we need to be fighting over bull shit. i thought we had a pretty good relationship until you started bad mouthing me for what reason I’m not sure. just remember i never said anything, you started.

Nothing to do with what you said or did not say… it’s your actions… and if you thought how you’ve acted with me & my business is a ‘good relationship’ no wonder you two have such good track records with women. I’m washing my hands of you two, your lacking ethics and even worse moral values. Obviously don’t come around here again you and yours are NOT welcome. Oh and the kid gloves are off, regarding non competition, and I have WAY less over head then you do.

sucks for you , good for the consumer.

Gentlemen, take this to the PM’s…

what the hell are you talking about first i never said i wasn’t going to get you to produce the parts i need. second how can you judge my character because i asked you about a few pieces i needed made. yes i agree you have helped us out a few times when we needed some welding done and i thank you for that. third what does my girlfriend have to do with anything?

OK I’m done with this matter, I’m not into arguing like children.

can some one delete this thread and start again. im interested in seeing if anyone else has had tranny problem.

Man all you do is run your mouth on every site JESUS.

LOL wait… you sign up to post one thing and thats to try and slam me… ?? wow, a little inward reflection on your part is in order.
