Transmission Cooling

What do you think is the most all around efficient way of cooling a transmission.

fan on top of a remote mount cooler will be the best. cant beat that type of cooling. its more forced convection type transfer than just a remote cooler without the fan that would rely more on vehicle movement for air flow. still blows air while the car is stopped which helps abit more. remote coolers located by radiator will work great too tho.

run a remote cooler by the radiator and a finned pan and call it a day

Used to run a Hayden 404 when I had the probe. Never gave me any problems and did wonders on keeping the temps down.

I’m running a big bitch of a cooler on my Suburban, keeps temps nice and low. I haven’t seen them anywhere above 160 during normal driving, nothing above 180 towing a car behind her.

whats optimal tranny temp range anyway?

Less than 200, but the closer to the 160-180 range the better.


has open tubes thru the pan.

i got the Derale pan, and a flexlite aux cooler…

should i plumb the aux. cooler directly to the pan, or should i add the aux. cooler into the stock trans cooling system?

edited: nevermind, with my electric fan hardwired, i dont really need an aux. cooler, the deep pan should do just fine.

200 is the hottest you want to see fluid temps. I believe it begins to break down around not much past that

You should add the aux cooler to the stock system. Similar to this…

Also, I’d highly suggest running the aux cooler. It’s not going to cause any problems, that for sure.

its kinda ruff at 230 with regular atf,syn is goods to 260

yeah i knew it was somewhere around that…is dexron 6 a synthetic? I’m thinkin of throwin that in the GT next time around, I hear it’s pretty good

i put on the new pan, a new filter/gasket, and filled with B&M dexron ATF.

i’m debating whether or not to put the aux cooler on. cause my elec. fan pulls alotta air through the rad. already.

I would put it on for added insurance when your doing a boost launch.

try stapling ice cubes to your transmission.

no thats stupid, i was thinkin a roof scoop and duct down to the tranny, like paul walker did on his eclipse. :weak:

lol j/k